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Join our team as a partner
Please contact us if you have your own small business and would like to join us as a team member.

Join our trustee as a share holder
We have our trustee which consists of share holders. Our current company share is $168/share.

Registration form of friends referral

Want to be a shareholder
of MBAG?

We have our trustee which consists of share holders. So far we have eight shareholders.

Our current company share is $168/share. . We'll have the profit share report every six months and the profit shares will be divided at the end of each calendar year.

The share holders can use profit shares either to get more shares or to get cash at the time of profit shares are divided. The company will have the financial report every six months. The share holders can access their shares every six months beginning from the month of joining.

Please contact us for more information!




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